About us
A member of the Phoenix Mecano group, Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft. is owned 100 percent by Swiss-based Phoenix Mecano AG. The company develops and manufactures systems and components for the machine and electronics industries. We primarily export to Western Europe and overseas, with the recent years seeing an increase in sales in Hungary and Central Eastern Europe.
As a major manufacturer, we have contributed greatly to the region’s economy for the past quarter century. We play an active role in creating new jobs and recycle a substantial part of our profits into development and facility investments. We continuously explore avenues of further growth and higher efficiency. We facilitate innovation and prioritize providing more added value by product development. We believe in exploring opportunities immediately, a philosophy that helps us keep and increase our market share. Our continuously upgraded, state-of-the-art production lines represent the latest in technologies.
Our profit centers
Termelésünk négy gyártóegységben, úgynevezett profitcenterekben folyik az ISO 9001:2015 minőségirányítási és az ISO 14001:2015 környezetirányítási rendszerek irányelveit követve.
Vállalatunk óriási mértékben fejlődött az elmúlt több mint két évtized alatt. 1993-ban 44 alkalmazottal 7 millió euró árbevételt értünk el. Az elmúlt közel 30 év alatt termelőterületünk nagysága 40.000 négyzetméterre, összterületünk 116.000 négyzetméterre növekedett. Eddigi beruházásaink összértéke közel 90 millió euró.
Termelésünk négy gyártóegységben, úgynevezett profitcenterekben folyik az ISO 9001:2015 minőségirányítási és az ISO 14001:2015 környezetirányítási rendszerek irányelveit követve.
Főbb termékcsoportok: műszerdobozok; frontfóliák, fóliabillentyűzetek; lineáris pozicionáló egységek, gépipari emelőoszlopok; védőrácsok, kötőelemek és profilok; egyenáramú motorok, transzformátorok; műanyag alkatrészek.
Areas of application: elektronikai ipar, gépipar.
Our sales force is tasked with promoting and establishing our products in the Hungarian and the Eastern European markets. We increasingly rely on products (plastic components, screws, packaging) and services (anodizing, powder coating) of suppliers in Hungary and the region. This results in shorter delivery periods, lower costs and a higher competitive edge. In order to optimize all our manufacturing processes and increase efficiency we have introduced the Lean philosophy in all corporate operations. We respect human input and streamline all our processes. The sustainability of our measures aimed at boosting efficiency is guaranteed by Shop Floor Management. In order to reduce waste and improve productivity, we use the Kaizen method. We safeguard cleanliness and instill order by following the 6S method.
Gyártási folyamataink optimalizálása és a hatékonyság növelése érdekében az egész vállalat tevékenységére kiterjesztettük a Lean filozófiát, amely elsődlegesnek tartja az ember tiszteletét, a veszteségek eltávolítását a folyamatokból. A hatékonyságnövelő intézkedések maradandóságát és fenntarthatóságát a Shop Floor Managementtel biztosítjuk. Az eredményesség növelése, a veszteség csökkentése érdekében a Kaizen módszert alkalmazzuk, a rendezettséget, tisztaságot pedig a 6S módszert követve valósítjuk meg.
As we believe in product development, expanding our product offerings and introducing new technologies, we have our own R&D department. Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Research and Development Kft. is tasked with creating products that meet the ever increasing requirements of the global market so that our production facility in Hungary can become a leader not only in manufacturing and sales, but in innovation, too. Development focuses on creating easy-to-use, cost-efficient and production-optimized devices.
Our logistics department is in charge of distribution logistics (product storage and distribution) and the shipping of import and export goods. Products manufactured at our facilities in Hungary, Romania and the Far East are dispatched from our 5,000 square meter, fully-automated high-bay warehouse in Kecskemét. This facility has the capacity to store 13,000 pallets and allows for receiving and dispatching 87 pallets per hour.
In order to ensure a steady supply of labor, our company cooperates with schools and training facilities in Kecskemét. We play a major role in facilitating both secondary school and college-level dual training.
We believe in having good relations with the Mayor’s Office in Kecskemét and contribute to preparing strategic decisions. We are members of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bács-Kiskun County, the German-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Swiss-Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
Company group
Swiss-based Phoenix Mecano group is a leading manufacturer of components, in particular for the machinery, electronics and mechanical industries. Phoenix Mecano’s shares have been listed on the Swiss Stock Exchange since 1988.
With numerous manufacturing sites world-wide (Europe, Asia, North Africa, North and South America, Australia), Phoenix Mecano’s sales network spreads across the globe. Our global presence makes it possible to follow customers in promising new markets throughout in the world.
Phoenix Mecano Kecskemét Kft. plays an important role within our company group, both in terms of revenue and number of employees.
Generating synergies

Our logistics center serves our customers in Europe with finished goods manufactured not only locally but at the group’s plants in Romania and the Far East, too. The center features a state-of-the-art, fully automated high-bay warehouse capable of storing EUR-pallets in excess of 12,000 units. Shipping partners are responsible for delivering our finished goods to our customers and raw materials required for production to our plant. As Authorized Economic Operator in international supply chains, our company is positively discriminated in customs-related dealings and is considered a trusted partner throughout the world.
The 30-meter tall high-bay warehouse of our nearly 5,000 square-meter logistics center is equipped with a fully automated pallet handling and a state-of-the-art fire protection system. The warehouse is capable of storing over 12,000 pallets, allowing 87 pallets per hour to be moved into and out of storage.

Szenvedélyünk az
Tevékenységünk során gépipari és elektronikai termékek gyártásával és fejlesztésével foglalkozunk már 30 éve.